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Repairs & Upgrades

“There's no other product that changes function like the computer”

Jonathan Ive

Macs are great. But like anything with a plug on it, they sometimes go wrong.

You’ve tried everything, read magazines, asked the internet forums, and you’re more confused than ever. 


MacGenius is an Apple Certified Technician, and can quickly diagnose what the problem is, and get you back to loving your Mac again.


We can look after you PC owners too, with Data Recovery, Virus and Spyware Removal.


"And one more thing..."

Steve Jobs

Signed up to broadband but don’t know what the fuss is about? Thought about connecting your computers but don’t know whether to go wired or wireless? What about security? Can I share files between computers?


MacGenius can sort out all of these issues in one appointment.

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